2011年5月22日 星期日

Conditioning Companion 2

Conditioning Companion 2Conditioning designed to do at home with no equipment. Improves tone and ability to do aerial dance acrobatics. Designed to decrease injury and improve performance. Improves flexibility and core strength.


Click here to buy from Amazon

ToeSox Half Toe Toe Socks

ToeSox Half Toe Toe SocksToeSox unique five- toe design allows the entire foot to perform naturally, encouraging the toes to separate and activate the muscles in the feet. Toe socks increase dexterity and tactile sensitivity and awareness during any activity. Toe socks help strengthen the muscles of your feet allowing for overall better circulation, balance and posture. The original ToeSox, with the patented non-slip grip, are great as yoga socks, Pilates socks, dance socks, martial arts socks, or socks for any other barefoot activity. The Half-Toe style are toeless socks, with the same patented non-slip grip, ideal as yoga socks, Pilates socks, pedicure socks, and flip flop socks. Our Sport - Sandal toe socks, full toe without the non-slip sole, can be worn in your athletic shoes or sandals.


Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月21日 星期六

Techno Fit

It's exciting times right now if you are running your own fitness or personal training business. By harnessing all of the potential that new technologies have to offer you can be putting your fitness business right on the map, helping you to earn a higher salary and providing your clients and members with a top notch personalised service second to non and all of this and you could still be a one man band, and, you don't have to be computer savy or techno geek to do it.

For many Instructors teaching in the community or operating a personal training business the power and potential of the internet has enabled small one man operations to compete with the big corporations by giving you the ability to offer complete customer service and back up.

Website and Customer List

Develop your business online

More and more Independent Fitness Professionals need to be jumping into online marketing. I'm seeing it everywhere, with a little bit of knowledge and practice you can develop and sell to your client base, e-books, e-courses, DVDs and CDROMS and other information products. As a fitness professional you are an expert you have knowledge and expertise that your clients want and need and are prepared to pay for it. Several years ago it was difficult and took a lot of effort to get a book published by a publishing house. Well now, you can write your own book, convert it to an e-book and sell it online on your website or to your clients. All you need to do is invest some time into writing and researching a suitable book.

Tracy McClaclen wrote her first e-book on Fitness Pilates and sells it to her clients after classes and through her website [http://www.pink-pineapple.com] it supplements her income and is a product that will continue to sell year after year.

"So many of my clients always asked me for the Fitness Pilates exercises that they could do at home so I decided to turn it into a book and sell it. It has been one of the most profitable decisions I have made and it only took me time to write and produce"

If you are serious about growing your fitness business and don't want to spend all of your time and energy teaching 25 classes per week to make a living then you may need to diversify and offer multiple income streams. Your first port of call needs to be website think of your website as a virtual shop, your home page is like a shop window that needs to be changed and updated frequently.

If this is something you want to add to your business, here are some of my recommendations for getting off on the right foot.

1. Get a good web site and learn to update it yourself. You need to have the flexibility to make changes and add things on the fly. You need to be comfortable with the basic technical aspects of the web. And you need to have a site with good content. From there you can add pages for specific online products.

2. Build your email list. Perhaps nothing is more important than this one. You can't build a big, responsive list overnight, so start collecting email addresses now and input them into an excel spreadsheet. You need to collect everyone's email address that comes to you or give out your cards and ask your class members to sign up for free to your site.

3. Send out an ezine regularly. No, make that weekly. This isn't the only way to do it, but you will grow your client list much faster if you send out your ezine more often. The best subscribers actually come via word-of-mouth. And the more it gets out there, the more

it is passed along. Ezine drive online sales. Period. Without my weekly newsletter my local classes and the C2Go website would be nowhere.

Whilst I was planning my website http://www.choreographytogo.com and working on the technical aspects I began to email out a weekly Instructor newsletter containing news, views, reviews and business ideas. I collected everyone's email address I could from Instructors who attended my workshops and at conventions. My list started with 50 email addresses and now I have 15,000 subscribers in 3 years.

4. Develop an online product. What will your online product be? As you know C2Go is downloadable choreography, articles, a support system for Fitness professionals, back up for my courses and workshops. Could you develop an e-book, recipe book, low fat cooking, weight loss information, could you develop your own DVD or CDROM?

5. Commit to mastering the ideas and principles of online marketing. Read books, e-books and attend seminars.

This is my model and it works brilliantly. The only drawback is that I can't develop products fast enough to meet the demand and that I don't have enough time on my calendar to do more workshops and film more choreography, but I suppose those are good problems to have!

Conference calling and telephone seminars

Large corporations and business have long invested in the technology to provide multi conference calling, which basically is a seminar or lecture conducted by phone where all the attendees use there own phone and hook up to a bridging line to enter into the conference. No more travelling for hours in your car, business cuts down on travelling costs and you can host the call from your own office. I predict that this will have a massive impact on the fitness industry as more companies offer the technology and the costs come down on line rental. Just think you can host your own lecture on weight loss, motivation, exercise adherence or whatever your specialise in and charge your clients accordingly. Here at choreographytogo I have been experimenting on this method of virtual lecture helping Instructors stay focused and motivated as well as given lectures on business ideas and pr for their own business. You can even hook up a web cam and record the event live and steam it on your website.

Audio Lectures

Again audio lectures are gaining popularity on all kinds of websites and the fitness industry will yet again be profoundly impacted by these. By buying a relatively cheap recording device you can set it up to record a phone call thus enabling you to conduct an interview over the phone and record it, change it to a .windows audio file and stream it on your website. I envisage many presenters and fitness experts will be able to stream lectures and interviews in this way so we gain all the latest research and information via that expert's website.

Mobile Phones/Multimedia messages and Text messaging

Many fitness professionals and personal trainers are using text messaging as way to motivate clients, keep them on track, remind them of appointments and so but with the rise of 3G phones and video messaging the next logical step would be to send clients a mini video of an exercise or routine. For instructors I will be texting 1 minute choreography routines direct to your phone.

Its exciting times so don't get left behind and move your business onto the next multimedia age.

Rachel Holmes is the Director of http://www.choreographytogo.com a website dedicated to Fitness Instructors. The website offers choreography downloads audio lectures and virtual seminars and will be implementing broadband fitness TV in the near future. For more information email Rachel@choreographytogo.com

The Fit Blueprint

If you want to lose fat, you need a plan and The Fit Blueprint provides that plan. This workout is designed for minimal time, minimal equipment (exercise at home or at the gym), and great results. Provides exercise description and nutritional plans.

Check it out!

2011年5月20日 星期五

Fitness Model Skincare Secrets

Expert skincare and makeup guide to incredible skin. Authored by international fitness model with 10 years experience in the cosmetic industry. Includes up-sell weight loss product.

Check it out!

2011年5月19日 星期四

Pilates Reformers - Great Advantages Of Pilates

The origins of Pilates are interesting to read and date back to the early part of the 20th century, 1910 to be precise. The inventor of Pilates, Joseph Pilates, created these sets of exercises to improve the quality of his health. During World War I Joseph Pilates found himself residing in a detention centre in England. Because of his nationality he was regarded as an enemy to the country. Because, even as a child, he never enjoyed particularly good health and was lacking in physical strength. As a way to combat his frailties he began to exercise regularly. During his incarceration in England he was inspired to use the springs found in hospital beds as a way to continue his exercises. He found that the springs provided the exact resistance he needed to use as a way to strengthen his body. It was from these humble beginnings that the Pilates Reformer was created.

The techniques employed in Pilates are designed for anyone of any level of fitness because the groups of exercises are low intensity, and do not demand strenuous cardiovascular movement. For those who lack boundless energy but want to strengthen and tone their body Pilates is the ideal form of exercise and the results will be enjoyed if the Pilates techniques are practised consistently. Pilates requires very little use of equipment, and the accessories that are used, such as the Pilates reformer, are easily transportable and inexpensive.

Before undertaking the rather challenging and intricate floor exercises practised on the Pilates mat, it is advisable to become acquainted with the Pilates reformer. However, never attempt to try either the Pilates reformer, or Pilates mat exercises without taking instruction from a fully qualified Pilates instructor. The benefits of having professional tuition is that your instructor will ensure that you perform exercises that will target certain parts of your body that really need strengthening and will correct you if you are not performing those movements accurately. Your Pilates instructor will also instruct you on how to use any of the Pilates equipment.

The Pilates reformer has an excellent reputation for producing noticeable results. And as the name suggests, the Pilates reformer will certainly change your body for the better.

To perform one of the basic Pilates reformer exercises you will need to be positioned correctly on the 'carriage' by your instructor. You should be lying on your back and then you will be required to push your body upwards and downwards. Your instructor will ensure that you are performing the movement accurately and that your body position does not allow you to strain your muscles. There are variations to this exercise depending on which machine you have chosen to use.

The use of the Pilates reformer is actually far more effective than any of the resistance exercises you may already be practising. As Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdominals, lower back and pelvis amongst other muscle groups, your instructor will demonstrate how to keep your spine and pelvis in a neutral position, and you will be able to feel the impact of the exercises in this core region. Ideally, areas such as the back of the legs and the hips should take the strain of the exercise and not the knees, so you will be required to relax your quads and knees to prevent injury.

The above are just the rudiments required when practising with the Pilates reformer. As you progress and become more confident, flexible and stronger you will be able to participate in more intense and challenging movements. Your instructor will assess your ability and will remove the supportive foot bar. The basic idea is to eventually remove all forms of supportive equipment and as your core muscles strengthen your body will be total control of the movements that you are performing. In this way you will only need your Pilates accessories and the Pilates reformer.

If you exercise with the Pilates reformer regularly and accurately you will experience a stronger, leaner, more toned body in a relatively short time and you will be inspired by the results to push your limitations a little each time.

Abhishek is a Pilates expert and he has got some great Pilates Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 42 Pages Ebook, "Pilates And Complete Body Fitness" from his website http://www.Fitness-Magic.com/592/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Wii Fit Secrets - Unlock the Hidden Power of Wii Fit

Wii Fit is Hot, and now you can tap into that niche with the only guide for it. The guide provides details on each exercise, hints, cheats, and workout routine.

Check it out!

2011年5月18日 星期三

Winsor Pilates Basic Principles

Before anything else, I would like to state that the Pilates fitness program is first developed by Joseph Pilates who had a lifetime interest in body conditioning in 1920s. His interest in physical fitness rooted from his strong determination to strengthen his body and improve his health after a sickly childhood. From that, Joseph formulated a distinct sequence of movements that worked the mind and muscle in harmony.

Oops, enough for history. Now, let's go to the core message of this article - Winsor Pilates basic principles. Winsor Pilates program focuses mainly on bodyweight which incude exercises which stretch, strengthen , and tone all the muscles of the body, especially those of the core or abdominal and lower back regions. As such, the Winsor Pilates provide Winsor Pilates basic principles for those who are interested in such area. Among those Winsor Pilates basic principles are: Concentration; Control or Precision; Centering; Stabilizing; Breathing; Alignment; Fluidity; and Integration. Each Winsor Pilates basic principle has its own essential characteristic.

Concentration, as the first Winsor Pilates basic principle, is very important to attain a successful workout. With this Winsor Pilates basic principle, the awareness of the body will be enhanced due to the mind-body connection which results to conscious control of movement. The second Winsor Pilates basic principle, Control or precision, is not about intensity or multiple "reps" but it is more of descent form of snug, emphatic results. Centering, as the third Winsor Pilates basic principle, functions mentally within the body to calm the spirit. In this Winsor Pilates basic canon, a focus on the torso - abs, pelvic girdle, lower back, gluts - results to the improvement in a strong core and enables the rest of the body to function properly. All action with this Winsor Pilates basic principle performs from the trunk and flows outwards to the extremities. The fourth Winsor Pilates basic convention - Stabilizing - is important because in Winsor Pilates, before you move you have to be still for a safe starting place for kinesics. Breathing on the other hand, as the fifth Winsor Pilates basic principle, must range from deep, coordinated, conscious diaphragmatic procedures of inhales and exhales to initiate mobility and help in the activation of the muscles and to keep you focused. Furthermore, the sixth Winsor Pilates basic canon which is alignment is very essential because it is the key to good posture. With such Winsor Pilates basic principle, you will be conscious of the position of your neck on the spine and pelvis, right down through the legs and toes. In the seventh Winsor Pilates principle - Fluidity - a smooth, continuous motion rather than jazzy repetitions will create an elegant and graceful look. Lastly, the integration of all those Winsor Pilates basic principles will result to a holistic mind-body workout.

So with those above stated Winsor Pilates basic principles, I am sure that everyone will enjoy their adventure to a stronger and healthier looks.

[http://www.therichjerkexclusive.com] - The Secrets of The Rich...Learn It http://winsorpilatesworks.blogspot.com - Be Healthy and Fit the proven way http://easyfitness.blogspot.com - Be Healthy, Be Fit, Be Beautiful

2011年5月17日 星期二

Pilates - The Best Way to Healthy Body

In the early 20th century Joseph Pilates has developed a physical fitness system, which has been called in his honour. The main idea of this system is to use the mind to control the muscles.

For better understanding of Pilates method Joseph has developed philosophical and theoretical foundation. The main principles of his method are breathing, centering, concentration, control, precision, flow or efficiency of movement and flexibility. All this principles are very important for health improvement. Let's take a look at each principle.

Breathing. The blood circulates in the body in such a way that it can awaken all the cells on the one hand and it can carry away the wastes related to fatigue on the other hand. For the blood to do its work properly, it has to be charged with oxygen and purged of waste gases through proper breathing. By this standard, if you stop breathing during exercise, there is an error in your practice. Breathing practice is properly coordinated with movements in each exercise and during exercise practicing breathing instructions should be performed first of all.

Centering. The core is a large group of muscles in the center of the body, which includes encompassing the abdomen, lower back, hips, and buttocks. Energy for each exercise should start from the core and flow outward to the limbs. In such a way physical energy exerted from the center should coordinate movements of the extremities.

Concentration. Pilates demands intense focus. For instance, the inner thighs and pelvic floor may be assessed when doing a standing exercise that tones the triceps. Beginners are instructed to pay careful attention to their bodies, building on very small, delicate fundamental movements and controlled breathing.

Control. This is the next important principle of pilates method. Each movement should be controlled by mind. The goal of such control is to avoid unnecessary moves and energy consumption.

Precision. Every movement in the Pilates method has a purpose and every instruction is considered vitally important to the success of the whole. To leave out any detail is believed to forsake the intrinsic value of the exercise. The focus is on doing one precise and perfect movement, rather than many halfhearted ones. The goal is for this precision to eventually become second nature, and carry over into everyday life as grace and economy of movement.

Flow or efficiency of movement. Movement is expected to be kept continuous between exercises through the use of appropriate transitions. Once precision has been achieved, the exercises are intended to flow within and into each other in order to build strength and stamina.

According to practitioners, the central aim of Pilates is to attempt to create a fusion of mind and body, so that without even engaging the mind, the body will move with economy, grace, and balance.

Today pilates is very popular and millions of people all over the world practice it.

Here you may find and download pilates video workouts [http://dailylifesport.net] for practicing at home.

Your Ultimate Pilates Body Challenge by Brooke Siler

The author runs a prominent Pilates studio in Manhattan and trained with one of Joseph Pilates's original students. However, despite that background, this book is less of an encyclopedia authentic Pilates exercises and instead a good shot at helping ordinary people (especially women apply Pilates to real life.)

Her point is that she's seen too many students do well for an hour while being taught or working out, but then forget their Pilates when they leave the studio. They walk with a slump, slouch and so on.

She wants everybody to use Pilates when it's meant to be used -- all the time. You can't do the exercises contuously, but you can and should keep your posture straight, you weight evenly distributed, your spine in alignment with your muscles.

It does little good for your health to practice correct movements three to five hours a week, but fall back into your unhealthy habits the rest of the time.

She starts off with basic background on Pilates and its principles, and on the concepts of Pilates movement: stability/mobility, resistance/operation, leverage, articulation and balance.

She goes over the benefits of good posture and breathing the Pilates way, as well as advice on how to sit and stand with good posture, so you don't stress your joints.

Then she includes an unusual section: how to apply Pilates principles to working out on various pieces of exercise equipment: treadmills, elliptical machines, stationary bikes, stair machines, and rowing machines. She gives four variations on the usual way of using these machines, and advises spending two minutes apiece on them (the usual way plus four variations equals five), for a total ten.

Her advice here is to use each machine for the ten minutes total, then move on to the next one, for a workout that last nearly an hour. This is a cardio circuit.

She then gives a series of exercises and variations you can do at home and on the mat. Lifting free weights, jumping jacks, using flexible bands, jumping rope, the roll up, rolling like a ball, single leg stretch, double leg stretch, single straight leg stretch, double straight leg stretch, crisscross, spine stretch forward, open leg rocker, double leg kicks, and low back stretch.

She also includes information on the correct stance for common every day activities: sitting, standing, carrying bags of groceries, holding babies, sitting in front of your computer, using a photocopy machine and driving.

Another chapter covers applying Pilates to various sports such as golf (according to the author, Tiger Woods did), skiing, snowboarding and tennis.

This is a great beginners book to remind them to take their Pilates success from the studio into their daily lives. I doubt many people can do it by themselves unless they're too young to have already developed a lot of bad habits.

But if you're already in Pilates classes and therefore already strengthening your core, learning to align your spine, working out your muscles in a balanced way, and increasing your flexibility, this is a great guide on taking Pilates into your daily life, for increased progress and better health.

Richard Stooker is a writer with a long time interest in health, nutrition, fitness and anti-aging subjects. This also lead him to check out kids running shoes and the very Brooks Beast.

2011年5月16日 星期一

Three Favourite Mistakes When Teaching a Pilates Class and How to Avoid Them

Whether you are a seasoned Pilates teacher or just starting out, it's a good idea to consider your style. What image are your presenting to your clients? You may not have given this much thought, you may even feel that your image is immaterial. It's not. In order to develop relationships with your class participants that create loyalty, they need to like and relate to you. Developing a personal style takes time and thought.

Here are three favourite mistakes I see time and again in both experienced and new Pilates teachers.

Mistake number one - using a fake voice. Because Pilates is usually taught calmly, teachers sometimes develop a sing song voice in an attempt to enhance the mind and body atmosphere. Avoid this like the plague it will reduce your credibility. Pay attention also to the volume, speaking too softly will be distracting as class members strain to hear you.

Solution. Make your cueing and instruction as conversational as possible. There is a lot to say in a Pilates class. Information about movement quality, positioning and safety. It will be so much easier for your class participants to absorb and apply your instructions to their practice if your voice is natural and they recognise it as yours. Be yourself.

Mistake number two. Standing, sitting or pacing at the front of the class. A good Pilates class is not only an excellent workout but also an opportunity for the teacher to inform and educate the class participants about posture, breathing and performance of the exercises. This volume of information can sometimes lead the teacher to deliver it in a lecture style. This teaching style will create a barrier between you and the class.

Solution. Move into the group as soon as you can. Being in a position to notice the movement quality of the people in your class will allow you not only to deliver all the great information you have but also help them apply it to their practice with hands on correction and your guidance. Something you can't do from the front of the room. Moving among the group will also create a more relaxed and friendly session, confirming that you are approachable, not separate from the group activity.

Mistake number three. Talking in bullet points. This ties in with mistake number two. Because there is a lot to say, Pilates teachers sometimes get into the habit of simply listing the safety and quality cues, maybe to ensure they get them all covered in the session. This is a very boring way to deliver information, it will send your class to sleep or to another more interesting teacher.

Solution. If you advise your class about a certain way to perform a movement tell them why. For example "stabilise your shoulder girdle" is a very specific, technical way to say "slide your shoulder blades down" think about your choice of words; do they mean anything to the group. In addition to telling them what to do offer them an explanation as to why you want them to do it and what benefit it is to them in their Pilates practice and every day life. So, "stabilise your shoulder girdle" becomes, "slide your shoulder blades down to help support your head and neck alignment" will probably be more useful than a short, precise technical cue that not all your class members understand.

By taking this approach to cueing and literally talking to your class you will start to notice how performance improves, the atmosphere in the class changes for the better and you will become more engaged with the group.

If you recognise any of the above in your teaching style it won't take long to make small changes; your class participants will definitely appreciate your new skills.

About Nuala Coombs. With over 25 years experience in the fitness and Pilates industry Nuala has taught hundreds of students worldwide to teach Pilates. She is the author of Golf and Pilates published in 2005 as well as an international presenter and teacher trainer. Based in the south of France along with teacher training and workshops she offers career guidance to teachers in training and qualified Pilates teachers at a crossroads in their working life. Nuala also offer Pilates Retreats for Pilates enthusiasts. Contact her to sign up for her free monthly Newsletter at http://www.thepilatesconsultant.com
email: info@thepilatesconsultant.com

2011年5月15日 星期日

Learning Pilates For Beginners

Pilates is not new, in fact it's been around for decades, but it's become one of the fastest growing fitness programs and is popular across a wide populace. Athletes, movie stars, seniors, and everyone in between, have all learned the advantages that Pilates can bring to their workout and fitness routines.

Pilates workout involves the precise, controlled movement of muscles through a series of exercises designed to lengthen, strengthen and tone the body. These Pilates exercises target core muscles such as the abs, hip flexors and lower back, but the effects of Pilates are a whole body experience. Pilates not only shapes and tones the body, it brings balance and harmony as well.

Because of its ease of use and adaptability, Pilates is an ideal exercise method for many people. The Pilates method can easily be modified to suit individual needs and is ideal not only for fitness, but rehabilitating after an injury. There are many wonderful exercise videos and Pilates DVDs on the market, these can help the beginner get off to a solid start.

There are 6 basic Pilates principles:

Breathing - proper breathing is important in Pilates as in all exercise programs.

Centering - all Pilates movements are centered on your core muscles.

Concentration - every movement should be deliberate, focused and controlled.

Control - correct form and muscle control are essential to effective Pilates training.

Precision - with practice, every movement will become precise and controlled.

Flow - movements should flow smoothly from one exercise to the next without stopping.

Pilates puts much emphasis on core strength and flexibility. The results of Pilates can be profound, resulting in a body that is not only strong, but balanced and able to move freely. It can be a refreshing discovery for anyone who has not found success with other fitness methods.

Pilates for beginners is often helped by watching a Pilates DVD or Pilates video, it's essential to learn the proper form, concentration and movement if you want to maximize your Pilates workout. To get started a Pilates mat and fitness DVDs will get you headed down the path to whole body fitness and toning.

Some of the Pilates techniques will require time to master; don't expect to gain proficiency overnight. Take your time, concentrate on form and with experience you'll gain mastery as well as a strong, lean body.

When looking for the most effective exercise program Pilates wins hands down. If you're new to Pilates be sure to visit our Pilates for Beginners section to get you off to a solid start. You'll soon be the envy of all your friends when the amazing results of Pilates is revealed in your new tight and toned body.

2011年5月14日 星期六

The Science of Getting Fit

Read a fat loss & fitness book that actually tells the truth and is based on science, not fiction. Learn the 6 Critical Steps to Achieving Your Fat Loss & Fitness Goals. Almost 100 pages of useful information that you can put into action right away.

Check it out!

Pilates - Everyone's Friend

Attending a Pilates class is known to be of huge benefit to many different types of people from all types of backgrounds. As a gentle form of exercise which strengthens the mind as well as the body, Pilates classes can help all people to reach their optimum fitness levels without causing unnecessary injury. This makes it a perfect form of exercise for anyone who is suffering from back problems, a sports injury or is pregnant.

Many of us would like to start a keep fit regime, especially at the beginning of a New Year but eventually the good intentions usually wane, especially if you live in a rural area such as Rawtenstall where there may not be many good Pilates classes. Rawtenstall, Lancashire, is just one such area where you may not have many opportunities to find a Pilates class, and therefore when you do find a Pilates class it is advisable to sign up for a short course to encourage you to attend regularly.

To reap maximum benefits from Pilates you need to attend classes on a regular basis to work towards strengthening your body and helping to recover from any injuries you have. It is important to inform your Pilates class instructor of any injuries or pain you have so they can help you to strengthen these areas.

Most reputable Pilates organisations will have new courses starting at frequent intervals throughout the year and a short course can even make a unique gift idea for anyone who wants to improve their fitness but haven't yet made a commitment. Once someone has experienced the benefits of a short course of Pilates, they usually do become regular attendees at classes because it does not take too long to see the benefits.

Finding Pilates classes in rural areas such as Rawtenstall can be a problem but reputable companies with highly qualified instructors are now recognising the need for good Pilates classes in such areas and are now providing courses in many villages and small towns. For many of the occupants of such villages, it can be difficult to travel to the bigger cities for classes so the provision of quality classes in the right type of venue is an important step for many.

Many people are advised to take more exercise but often an existing injury or condition will make them wary of over exerting themselves and causing greater injury and damage to their body. Pilates classes are suitable for anyone who is pregnant or anyone who is recovering from injuries as Pilates is a low impact form of exercise although the instructor should be aware of the condition so they can adapt the class or exercises accordingly. Pilates concentrates on strengthening your body and helping posture rather than adding bulk to your form. Pilates was originally introduced to aid in the recovery of sports injuries and alleviate back problems by the gentle stretching and realignment of the spine.

Pilates classes are beneficial to all, but it is important to find a class with qualified instructors and to reap the maximum benefits signing up for a course is essential.

Charlotte Hopkinson is the founder of Live-Pilates. She is a Level 3 Advanced Pilates instructor with 10 years experience as a qualified Fitness Instructor.

Charlotte describes herself as a lifelong fitness freak having spent years running marathons, horse-riding and eventually working as a top-level cyclist in the squad representing Great Britain. This took its toll on her back, and within just 12 weeks of regular Pilates classes, Charlotte realised how effective and amazing Pilates really is - and has never looked back!

Live-Pilates offers mainstream Pilates classes as well as specialised Pilates classes for back problems, ladies-only, men-only, mixed, beginners, advanced, pre-natal, post-natal and Powerpaced Pilates classes, as well as one-to-one Pilates sessions.

For further information, visit http://www.live-pilates.co.uk and find out more.

2011年5月12日 星期四

Answers to Many Questions About Pilates

I have recently received many questions about the Pilates Method. Even though I don't teach Pilates, I have attended several classes, including training sessions. I have also asked many of my students who have been attending Pilates classes how they react, feel and what results they have noticed. Therefore, I am going to share what I have learned in hopes that it will answer most of your questions.

What is Pilates?

Developed in the 1920s by the physical trainer, Joseph H. Pilates, the Pilates Method teaches you about breathing with movement, body mechanics, balance, coordination, positioning of the body, spatial awareness, strength and flexibility.

The basic principles will teach you how to flow from one movement to the next by:

· Centering

· Alignment

· Control

· Precision

· Flowing Movement

· Relaxation

With emphasis on stretching as well as strengthening of muscles, the Pilates system works the body as a whole, coordinating the upper and lower musculature with the body's center (known as the "power house").

What are the Benefits?

Besides the improvement in strength, flexibility, posture and coordination, other benefits include a natural lengthening and slimming. For years, the Pilates Method has been popular with dancers, enhancing the lean look of their bodies and improving their movement. Many of the certified instructors of Pilates have a dance background and teach that every one of our movements start in that center core or "power house."

What Do I Need to Know before Beginning Pilates?

As with all other fitness programs, before you start make sure that your physician approves. The Pilates approach, as with Yoga, believes in individual progress in a non-competitive, non-stress and low-impact arena. Designed to work the body as a whole, Pilates caters to everyone, from beginners to advanced and is suitable for all age groups.

Start slowly and listen to your body. It doesn't happen overnight! For optimal effectiveness, it is recommended that you practice Pilates two to three times a week depending on your goals and level of fitness. I suggest that a balanced workout schedule will not only include Pilates, but also some combination of cardiovascular activity such as fast walking, jogging, aerobic stepping, swimming, biking, etc.

What Important Questions Should I Ask?

There was a time, until recently, when someone had to receive special and time-intensive training before being certified to teach any form of Pilates. My worry is that there are instructors teaching Pilates and/or Yoga without sufficient training and understanding of the methods. Be sure to attend and/or watch the class you plan to take, and observe what kind of instruction is happening. Ask the instructor about his/her background and certification (they may have regular group fitness instructor certification, but not an extensive background in the Pilates Method).

Is the environment in which the class is being held comfortable? Do I like the instructor and the teaching method? Would I be motivated by this instructor? Talk to the other students in the class and find out how long they have been attending and what they like and/or don't like about the class. I have asked the students who attend my non-Pilates Method classes how they have taken to Pilates. Most are enthusiastic, but also enjoy the cross-training. A few prefer using the Resist-A-Ball which also produces similar results when used properly and on a regular basis.

Taught properly, the Pilates Method is definitely a winner.

But, as with any fitness program, you must be committed to embrace it on a consistent and persistent basis, along with practicing proper nutrition to accomplish and see rewarding results!

Chris King of Creative Keys is an A.C.E. (American Council on Exercise) Certified Group Fitness Instructor. She teaches twelve classes a week for all ages. She loves her "Portfolio Career" (many careers at the same time). For her Special Reports about fitness visit, http://www.creativekeys.net/specialreports.htm Or if you would like to find out if you could handle and love having a "Portfolio Career" visit http://www.creativekeys.net/portfoliocareertest.htm

2011年5月11日 星期三

Pilates Fitness Circle Secrets - Check it Out!

Definitely, pilates fitness circle will be the most suitable tool that a beginner can utilize to perform pilates exercise. By making use of a pilates workout, an individual can fully workout his or her pilates lesson. In this article, the advantages of this magic circle will be explored further. Read on!

Recently, lots of people are moving to do pilates workout since there are many merits that can be gained from it. By doing pilates continuously, an individual can get perfect body shape and also advance overall health. What's more, if you decide to perform pilates workout, you may start your workout by utilizing pilates fitness circle gear.

A Brief Definition

Throughout the pilates workout, pilates fitness circle is helpful to give a light resistance. Rather than having the regular pilates moves, a person can use a circle to attain more challenging exercise.

At the exact time, the upper back and arm muscle are also being toned. Therefore, you can get the body shape quicker by practicing the workout regularly.

How to Use

There are some methods that you can use in order to utilize the ring. Every workout that you practice is actually purposed to tone some particular of your body. In order to tighten the belly muscles, there's a seated exercise that you can perform.

Rubber Versus Metal Pilates Fitness Circle

There are a few things you need to consider before buying a the circle gear. They are the metal ring and the rubber ring type.

Although handling the rubber ring would be easier than metal, several pilates practitioners select the metal type due to its high quality and its sturdiness. Whenever you want to buy pilates fitness circle equipment, be sure that you read the buyer's manual guide. This is very helpful for you to find the best tool for your exercise.

Laura Nicole is an expert in pilates and home fitness world who has made lots of articles about pilates. For more articles, please visit pilates fitness circle [http://pilatesadvisor.com/].

2011年5月9日 星期一

Be Informed - Read This Pilates Fitness Review

Are you ready to jump onto the Pilates bandwagon? Before you decide whether this is just another fad or a fitness routine you can count on, better read this fitness review to shed light to the truth behind Pilates. After all, not knowing the facts is like jumping into a pool blindfolded.

Reading a fitness review can open your eyes to what is out there and what other people are doing. Pilates has been wildly popular for decades, but you might need some encouragement to give it a try. Doing just a basic search may lead you to discover something new or to re-enforce what you already know.

These days, Winsor Pilates might have caught your eye. People worldwide express their love for this Pilates program that many say changed their bodies forever. All over the internet, people are writing their own Fitness Review to help convince people to try Pilates and more specifically, Winsor Pilates. However, there are people that believe that Pilates is not for them. After all, you cannot convince everyone to like something.

The internet is a great place to read different fitness reviews. If you sum all the positive reviews that you can get online, you'll find that most people are happy with their workouts for the health benefit but wish for something new and different. Trying something new like Pilates is a great way to spice up your routine. It can be done with a partner, on your own or even with family members. Make Pilates your family bonding time!

When it comes to the efficiency of a Pilates routine, the most talked about benefits are its ability to provide toner legs, arms, back, etc. While these areas are the most commonly mentioned by people in their own fitness review, the truth of the matter is that Pilates will give you a total body workout. In fact, there are even some reviews that confirm that Pilates doesn't merely offer physical benefits but can give mental and emotional advantages too.

In a nutshell, reading a fitness review is beneficial because it will allow you to learn more about a new fitness routine and will also give you an eye into what people are thinking. Most of the write-ups are created by people who really do Pilates on a regular basis. So maybe you take it with a grain of salt, but reading Fitness Reviews can help you to weed out what is right for you or not. Being informed about what to expect from a regular Pilates routine is one way to ensure you are choosing right.

Scott VanSicklin is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about health and fitness topics especially if it's about Pilates exercises which he has been doing for more than 10 years and loving it!

Gain Health and Fitness With Pilates

Gaining health and fitness?with Pilates is an attainable goal and an important piece of the health and fitness puzzle. While the process of achieving a fit and healthy body will ask you to work hard and be patient, you should know that it is not as hard as you think. Through careful planning, you can reap the benefits Pilates has to offer.

Once you decide to work towards health and fitness?with Pilates, an important thing to recognize is the need to take it slowly. Do not rush into the process of beginning a new health and fitness routine because your body needs time to adjust. Building strength, both mental and physical, takes time. Rushing into a new regime without gathering the proper information might leave you disappointed and confused.

The very first thing to know when beginning a Pilates fitness routine is that there are different types of Pilates. There are mat exercises and those that need Pilates exercise equipment. Among the two, the mat workout is very common to start with because it requires no equipment except a mat or soft surface and it also builds our strength gradually. Mat exercises include the need to lay down on your side, back, and stomach or do kneeling and sitting positions when executing the exercises. The main principle here is the use of your own weight for resistance. The flip side is to add small Pilates equipment such as band, ball, and ring in order to perk up weight resistance and to make the whole routine more challenging.

The Reformer is the most essential of the larger Pilates equipment. There you will perform many of the same exercises as you do on the mat with the enhanced addition of weighted resistance. Since this equipment can be expensive, you can explore the option of private sessions with a certified professional or join a gym that offers reformer classes.

By the time you start with Pilates routines, health and fitness?with Pilates is surely something you can master after some time. Just continue with the process because you will reap the benefits of health and fitness with Pilates. Indeed, after all the hard work, you will see and feel good results. So keep on persevering until you reach your goals. Remember: patience and tenacity are the key elements of any new workout routine.

Scott VanSicklin is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about health and fitness topics especially if it's about Pilates exercises which he has been doing for more than 10 years and loving it!

2011年5月8日 星期日

Anti-Aging Fitness Program

The No. 1 Anti-Aging Program provides you all the affiliate tools you will ever need to promote it successfully. Brand the ebook "Perpetual Wellbeing - 4 Steps to Ageless Sex Appeal" to your CB affiliate Id plus articles, ads, banners and emails.

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2011年5月7日 星期六

Yoga For Beginners

Yoga For BeginnersFrom the Editors of Body + Soul Magazine comes a new line of DVDs designed to excite, inform, inspire and encourage your quest toward a balanced and healthy whole life. YOGA FOR BEGINNERS is the perfect way to be introduced to Yoga and it helps you to explore and experience the numerous benefits of yoga. There are 8 routines to help build strength, increase flexibility, improve your health and vitality and transform how you look and feel. Routines are led by renowned instructor Barbara Benagh who expertly leads you through tailored workouts ranging from 10 to 60 minutes. YOGA FOR BEGINNERS was filmed on location at one of the most beautiful, tranquil beaches in the world, Half-Moon Bay, Antigua, which adds to the overall experience of tranquility. DVD HIGHLIGHTS: 8 customized, targeted routines, exclusive interview with the instructor, routines from 10 - 60 minutes, includes articles from Body + Soul magazine. Amazon.com description. Release Date: 10/24/2006.

Price: $14.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Correct Breathing In Pilates Is Essential

Breathing In Pilates

There is a lot more to Pilates than working out. It's something that you should feel good about doing, requiring application of the mind and energised after you have done a Pilates session. If you follow a Pilates exercise program consistently you will become leaner and stronger, not to mention fitter and feel good on the inside too.

Nobody is going to hand the body you want to you on a plate. To achieve the body you would like is going to take work. Anything we want in this life requires some application, and Pilates is no different. That said, it's something that isn't so hard on the body that you can't do it every day if you wanted to. Pilates will give your body core strength and strong abdominal muscles. When you are working and doing the exercises you will notice huge improvements in this area of your physical fitness.

Pilates is also about breathing correctly and practising breathing techniques. The more you do this, the better you will get at the exercises you are performing. Doing a Pilates workout is not something that you should dread. Create a positive forward image by looking forward to each and every session, spending time in the moment and getting the most out of each one. Pilates requires mental focus and precise movements. You need to really keep positive mentally so that you stick with it and achieve your goals.

You will find that most Pilates exercises come complete with instructional advice on how you should breath. In our day to day lives, most people don't breath correctly despite the fact it is autonomous. You can find out more about Pilates exercises at pilatesworkoutzone.com

Pilates helps you use up your full lung capacity with breathing right down to your abdominal area. Rib expansion to accommodate a higher volume of air is also an aspect of correct breathing technique. Breathing whilst concentrating on your exercise is an integral part of Pilates exercise.

Dean Forster is the owner and editor of http://www.pilatesworkoutzone.com a website resource dedicated to tips and information on Pilates exercise and physical fitness. Pilates Exercise

2011年5月6日 星期五

Pilates Home Gym-Learn The Incredible Benefits That Pilates Can Have On Your Health

A Pilates home gym can be one of the most effective tools

to achieving your fitness goals. Instead of having to travel to the local

fitness center to do these great workouts, having a home gym is an even more

effective method to enjoying the incredible benefits of Pilates because you

don't have to travel to do it. Here are some of the many benefits that a

Pilates home gym can perform for your health.

Pilates is an exercise that has actually been around since

the early 20th century, although it is just beginning to gain

popularity in the mainstream fitness arena. Pilates focuses on your body core

muscles which include your back, abdominals, buttocks and inner thigh muscles.

These muscles are among the most important to ensuring that you stay fit and

healthy throughout your life.

One of the many health benefits of Pilates is that it helps

to relive tensions. It accomplishes this primarily by helping you perform deep

breathing exercises.

Deep breathing exercises are among the best to help relieve

your stress, because your breathing habits actually play a huge role in

determining your overall mental state. When you are breathing heavier, you are

subconsciously telling your mind that something's wrong; when your breathing is

smoother and slower, your body and mind relaxes.

Another key component of Pilates is that it teaches proper

stretching habits, and increases your flexibility. Quite simply, most people do

not work out nearly enough, and lead very sedentary lives. When they do decide

to exercise, they are very injury prone due to a lack of flexibility.

When they start moving their body in ways their muscles and

joints aren't used to, the body is strained and they wind up pulling a muscle.

These can easily be avoided with some simple stretching exercises, which Pilates


A Pilates ball can be a great enhancer to your Pilates home

gym, because it focuses on your body's core muscles and helps them achieve

balance and coordination. The balls are very instable, forcing you to focus on

balance and coordination while performing the workouts.

The ball is not just good for helping you attain greater

balance and coordination; performing your workouts on the ball will have the

added effect of reducing the shock to your joints that you might experience if

working out on the floor. This is an even greater method to ensure that you

enjoy a safe and injury free workout. Having a ball is not essential for

Pilates exercises; they are for more advanced users.

If you feel you are ready for one, a Pilates ball is

definitely worth the investment. When picking a ball, choose it according to

your height and weight to achieve the maximum benefit from the workout.

Also, you don't just need to use a Pilates ball during

workouts; using it in your day to day activities can have a tremendous affect on

your overall posture. Whenever you sit down during the course of the day, try

sitting on the Pilates ball.

When you sit on a chair or sofa, you naturally slump due to

the ease and comfort of the furniture; with the Pilates ball, you are forced to

sit with good posture because of the balls imbalance. Therefore, you can

actually improve your overall health without even working out.

You now have the information necessary to benefit from a

Pilates work out; the choice to get started is up to you. A

Pilates home gym offers a great benefit to you and your health; now it's up

to you to take action.

To learn more great tips on finding fitness equipment for your home gym, as well as how to stay in shape for the rest of your life, try checking out http://www.onlinefitnesstips.com. OnlineFitnessTips.com is a popular fitness site that teaches people how to set and achieve their fitness goals quickly and easily.

2011年5月5日 星期四

Essential Guide to Pilates

Essential Guide to PilatesEssential Guide To Pilates is an introduction to the essential muscle toning and stretching exercises followed in a basic Pilates workout. It's an easy-to-follow routine designed to help beginners improve their overall fitness.

Price: $24.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Who Can benefit From A Pilates Home Fitness Workout?

Have you been thinking about adding a pilates exercise routine to your daily workouts? If so, you aren't alone. Millions are turning to pilates exercises to help get in shape and manage their physical health. In case you don't know much about pilates though, lets see who can expect to benefit most from a pilates home fitness workout.

First a little explanation about what pilates is. It's a system of set movements that employ isometric exercise to help strengthen the muscles of the body and improve flexibility at the same time. These exercise are very low impact and so they are gentle on the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body. The movements are also combined with proper breathing techniques to help the exerciser focus on the quality of the movement, and the combination of breathing and physical exercise has been know to improve both mental and physical well being.

Interestingly, dancers were among the first to start the practice of pilates when Joseph Pilates first opened his studio in New York City. The demands that their art form places on their body is very formidable and pilates training helped improve their strength while also cutting down on the amount of injuries that they suffered. Their success led to others adopting the new program and as word grew more and more have been attracted to this new method of exercise.

So who can especially benefit from pilates? Actually the list is fairly long, but some who could get real benefits would include back pain sufferers. It's very hard for those who live with back pain to find any form of exercise that they can do without aggravating their situation. Pilates on the other hand, is very gentle on their back and is designed to build a very strong core of the stomach and back muscles, many times helping eliminate the cause of back pain altogether.

Those who like to play a lot of sports can certainly benefit from a pilates routine as it helps them elongate their muscles and gain better flexibility. This in turn will aid in cutting down on sports related injuries. Often those who play sports employ some kind of strength training which is good, but if you don't also have flexibility, strong muscles can tear easily. So pilates helps you be able to play longer, better, and with less injury.

Elderly and overweight people can use pilates very effectively too. The elderly are losing flexibility as they age and so pilates helps restore a lot of freedom of movement for them. And overweight folks often have a hard time beginning intensive workouts that burn calories without injury. But pilates can help them ease into a more active lifestyle while also slimming their body in the process.

Pilates is actually very good exercise for lots of people, but some do benefit more than others from this particular style of fitness workout. If you have been considering trying it, why not look further into the possibility of making pilates a part of your daily home fitness workout?

Thad Pickering writes on many consumer related topics including fitness. You can find free pilates exercises and learn about pilates sample exercises by visiting our Home Fitness website.

2011年5月4日 星期三

Winsor Pilates: Why It Is Changing The World Of Aerobic Exercise

The Pilates method of training, pronounced Puh-LAH-teez, has for a long time been considered one of the most effective, unique method of body conditioning that fully integrates muscle control, proper breathing, strength training, flexibility, and body awareness. An exercise originally developed by a German legendary performer and boxer Joseph Pilates, the fitness Pilates Method has grown into a mainstream training method. It is now the foundation of many people's daily life of all ages and gender, from the Hollywood stars to your next door neighbor.

It is critical to note that the Pilates reputation has flourished in spreading the great news about the Winsor Pilates program and through the fanatics are greatly pulled to the extent. Winsor Pilates being a new form of exercise grants both the beginners and experienced fitness experts some of the most pleasurable exercise experience.

The power Pilates workout is one of the second versions of Pilates produced by the Winsor Pilates fitness program to introduce some new forms of exercises and kinesics. According to some popular research on the subject of Pilates, the Winsor Pilates workout is much more effective than other forms of exercise and contains the seven main movements that work out the entire body. Consequently, with Winsor Pilates, you will find participants are said to attain a maximum calorie burn in as little as 22 minutes. There is no doubt that with Winsor Pilates you will get leaner and longer muscles and even get stronger.

Most everybody who has undergone and experienced the feeling after training with the Winsor Pilates workouts will indicate that Winsor Pilates workout movements create a great result if done on a regular basis. This training method will absolutely help you tighten your abs in place without wobbling and tottering, and this method will help you control your body movements and improve posture.

When training with Pilates originally it is important to be guided by a instructor. You will typically start off with the simple movements of the fitness Pilates Method. Then gradually, you will progress into more advanced exercises. Lastly, you will start lying down on you back and tummy, or with your back on the carriage, your shoulders in front of the two supports and your feet placed on a foot bar or plate. From this standard Pilates position, you will perform a variety of abdominal or leg strengthening Pilates movements.

After spending some time training with Pilates you will progress to the reformer machine, and your fitness Pilates instructor will introduce you to the other Pilates apparatuses. As you improve your form, the time spent on each exerciser will increase significantly because you will move faster and faster.

Overall it is necessary to note that all those powerful workouts in Winsor Pilates are presented to help the people achieve good look and better posture and provide a balanced body and mind..

Copyright 2006, by Jason Story. This article can be freely reprinted as long as the authors information and active live links back to the authors website are published with the article.

Jason Story found a work life balance once he found Pilates and as a result started winsor pilates review to help others find success with Pilates. Jason likewise takes pleasure in writing about Pilates, Winsor Pilates Workout Techniques, & Power Pilates Exercises. Visit his sites at: Daisy Fuentes Winsor Pilates.

2011年5月3日 星期二

Pilates - Is it the Best Way to Lose Weight?

Have you ever in your life wished for your very own fitness instructor? It's not always possible to access the gym, or pay for a personal trainer for that matter. For those of us without limited time and money the secret to a superb nicely toned body can be found in Pilates. Pilates is used by many athletes and celebrities to shape the body with as little physical effort as possible.

The most affordable way of learning the correct Pilates exercises is with the Stott Pilates DVD.Pilates is frequently applied as a kind of physical therapy and can therefore be modified to meet the needs of different individuals. There are various variations of Pilates and the easiest exercises for novices iare done with the use of a mat. Here are a few of the most effective Stott Pilates DVD's and are essential for any collection:

Stott Pilates: Intense Sculpting Challenge - I've discovered that it is among the more advanced routines. A terrific way to challenge yourself as you learn the Pilates exercises and tone the body. Of course it provides qualified advice with Moira providing comprehensive instructions each and every step of the way. You'll need a Pilates mat and Pilates flex band for this DVD.

Stott Pilates: Amazing Tone - Use the resistance of toning balls to improve the look of and sculpt your whole body. Mix up your program a little with these physical exercises which will challenge you to synchronize your upper and lower body with each other. Detailed instruction through the entire work out will make sure you are carrying out the exercises while using proper posture which is extremely important. Excellent for beginner to intermediate.

Stott Pilates: Basic Pilates - As suggested by its name this is a ideal work out for the inexperienced. You'll only need a Pilates mat or clear area on the floor to begin. It is more than an hour or so of starter level routines which is designed to tone your core, providing you a flat stomach and back firming your arms and thighs. You'll really feel healthier while you follow along with Moira throughout this flowing routine.

Stott Pilates: The Secret To Toned Arms, Buns and Thighs - One of several top rated Pilates DVD's. Includes a superb regimen that is great for the starter to more advanced. Isolate various areas of the body and develop them to get them toned and strengthened. I specifically enjoyed a number of the variations she makes use of. You will not lose interest with this Pilates DVD because there are many exercises and modifications.

Buy the Stott Pilates DVD and learn the techniques in the security of your own home or perhaps get a group together and have a Pilates workout session with some friends. When you see how pleasurable and easy it is to get healthy and fit using a Stott Pilates DVD you'll never look back.

Learn all about Pilates for fitness and see reviews of the latest Stott Pilates DVD. Lose weight and shape your body the way you want it to look with Pilates Mat Exercises.

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2011年5月2日 星期一

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2011年5月1日 星期日

Pilates at Home?

Most Gyms and Pilates studios have Pilates mats which will usually be of a good quality and available to use. Of course if you have your own mat, you may very well want to take it to the gym with you, but the real reason to get a Pilates mat is for your home workout.

In the comfort of your own home there is no embarrassment when you show that 'bit' you don't want people to see and you have the confidence to try those more advanced moves that when people are watching you may avoid!!

When deciding which you would go for a yoga mat or a Pilates mat generally they have a large number of similarities, both are of a similar size and shape. However, a Pilates mat needs to be thicker than yoga mats. The reason is in Pilates it is vital to have that extra cushioning from the hard non forgiving floor, the reason being is if you know your Pilates many more of the exercises rely on you rolling around and without the extra padding many will become very uncomfortable!! In yoga there are a number of standing exercises that need that contact with the floor to provide the correct base for the exercise therefore the mats are made slightly thinner and with more grip. For yoga a lot of the exercises require a large amount of grip to stop yourself ending up face first on the floor! With Pilates many of the exercises are more gentle and do not require the grip of the Yoga mats.

A good Pilates mat is at least a half inch thick, with an inch generally being what you would desire. There are many thinner mats marketed as Pilates mats, but they are really just yoga mats or some type of crossover of the two. You need provide your back with enough support and padding when exercising on a hard surface, therefore the requirement for the extra thickness.

The Pilates mat should also be firm. A mat that is too soft will not support balance and alignment properly.

Make sure that the mat is long enough and wide enough for you! The length and width can vary a lot from mat to mat.

You just need to find the one that is most suitable for your body shape. Roll up mats are generally the smaller version available with the fold up ones being much larger. Always ask the retailer to make sure you get the right size you require!

The mats that roll up offer the benefits of being portable and easy to store. These mats are usually made of dense foam or rubber.

Look for a mat that comes with straps to keep the mat rolled up for easier storage and carrying.

Pilates Mats comes in a wide range of sizes, styles and colors. When shopping for a suitable mat, it's important to consider what you really want!

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Pilates and Pilates Equipment

The Pilates exercise and Pilates equipment as we understand it was created by Joseph Pilates.

Pilates was a character and a pugilist who lived in England at the beginning of the 20th century. At the onset of World War 1, he was placed under forced internment along with various German nationals in Lancaster, England. There he taught fellow inmates the concepts and exercises that he had developed during 20 years of self-study and practice in yoga, Zen, and old Greek and Roman bodily regimens.

The exercises are a methodical routine which is intended to develop your body's constitution with balancing, stretching, strengthening and breathing. Devotees testify it can dramatically reshape hips, thighs and backside, improve upon abdominal strength and muscle length and benefit vertebral alignment.

Pilates exercise can not only dramatically alter the way your body looks, but also the way it feels and performs. The exercises set free natural hormones called endorphins in your body which fight pain, stress and relieve depression.


Pilates based his teachings on other exercise methods from all round the world, amongst them the mind-body formats of yoga and Chinese martial arts. Resolved to overcome his own ailments, he began to investigate anatomy as well as Eastern and Western forms of exercise, together with Yoga, weight training, gymnastics and acrobatics.

In many regards the conditioning is comparable with yoga, although some declare it is superior to yoga overall since it strengthens the body naturally, improving posture tone and resilience through stretching. The core difference is that whilst yoga requires moving from one static pose to the next without repetitions, Pilates exercise flows via a succession of movements that are more dynamic, systematic and anatomically-based. It's a well-choreographed yoga workout that moves gracefully between static poses and more flexible moves, that are both challenging and relaxing.


After a few years, Joseph Pilates was transferred to a different camp where he worked as a nurse/caretaker. It was here that he started developing equipment that would permit his patients to exercise whilst in a prone or sitting position; thereby avoiding heavy strain on the heart and lungs.

This early equipment was made by using springs from beds and rigging them, using timber, so as to allow the confined patients to benefit from movement and resistance.

Although there are more than 500 different exercises described in the Pilates routine, the basic exercises can be performed on a simple floor mat. The exercises can also be performed in your home using ordinary fitness equipment.

Nevertheless there are many pieces of equipment that may be used to advance the benefits of the exercises. Some exercises are performed on specialized Pilates equipment including the Reformer, Cadillac and Ladder Barrel.

Some Pilates equipment, like the classic Pilates Circles, proffer spring resistance, others like the Spine Supporter, offer support, and a diversity of unique exercises for the entire body can be performed on each piece. Often, a purely mat-based practice is a genuine and successful workout by itself, but if you have the occasion to explore some Pilates equipment under the tutelage of a qualified professional, do so.

The most common piece of equipment in any Pilates studio is the Reformer (a movable carriage for pushing and pulling). However a fully equipped specialist gym would have other spring and gravity based resistance equipment, e.g. Reformers Circles, Cadillac/Trap Table, Wunda Chair, Pedipull Barrels and Ladder Barrel


Unlike other forms of exercise, you are unlikely to get too hot when practicing, so clothing should be light and stretchable. Most people practice in bare feet as you are unlikely to slide on the floor mat.


Although you should always follow advice from your doctor before starting any fitness routine, a Pilates workout is measured and controlled with no sudden jarring actions and, unlike many fitness programs, Pilates exercises are not based on the principle "more is better". The moves are very simple and slow, perfect for any fitness level and very likely to be appealing to beginners.

How quickly you get fit depends on several intrinsic factors: your existing degree of fitness, how quickly you understand the concepts, how often you do the workout routine and even how committed you are to continuing.

Pilates exercise is also said to ward off varicose veins, haemorrhoids and low back pain and helps to boost self esteem, maintain fitness levels and prepare the body for the physical demands of motherhood.

You'll probably find that many fitness centres and YMCA's offer Pilates classes, mostly in mat work. Fitness balls are available anywhere exercise equipment is sold, from all the big discount stores, to fitness stores, gyms and studios, and of course, online.

One of the advantages of going to a studio is that you will find it hosts a big family of health-minded people supporting each other in losing weight and improving fitness levels. Professional athletes and dancers, pre- and post-natal women, senior citizens, weekend warriors, and couch potatoes alike are enjoying his unique method of attaining physical fitness.


Pilates exercises improve the body's core, which includes the muscles in the abdomen, back, and buttocks. Pilates exercises can be performed on a mat, with literally hundreds of beginner to advanced moves available in the repertoire for a well-rounded workout on the floor. Pilates exercise does not jar the joints and is particularly useful for those having a history of joint problems.

Pilates exercises also improve the mind's ability to concentrate.

It is not necessary to join a gym or studio to benefit from the exercise, but if you do you will find a wealth of equipment and advice to assist you.

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