2011年5月22日 星期日

Conditioning Companion 2

Conditioning Companion 2Conditioning designed to do at home with no equipment. Improves tone and ability to do aerial dance acrobatics. Designed to decrease injury and improve performance. Improves flexibility and core strength.


Click here to buy from Amazon

ToeSox Half Toe Toe Socks

ToeSox Half Toe Toe SocksToeSox unique five- toe design allows the entire foot to perform naturally, encouraging the toes to separate and activate the muscles in the feet. Toe socks increase dexterity and tactile sensitivity and awareness during any activity. Toe socks help strengthen the muscles of your feet allowing for overall better circulation, balance and posture. The original ToeSox, with the patented non-slip grip, are great as yoga socks, Pilates socks, dance socks, martial arts socks, or socks for any other barefoot activity. The Half-Toe style are toeless socks, with the same patented non-slip grip, ideal as yoga socks, Pilates socks, pedicure socks, and flip flop socks. Our Sport - Sandal toe socks, full toe without the non-slip sole, can be worn in your athletic shoes or sandals.


Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月21日 星期六

Techno Fit

It's exciting times right now if you are running your own fitness or personal training business. By harnessing all of the potential that new technologies have to offer you can be putting your fitness business right on the map, helping you to earn a higher salary and providing your clients and members with a top notch personalised service second to non and all of this and you could still be a one man band, and, you don't have to be computer savy or techno geek to do it.

For many Instructors teaching in the community or operating a personal training business the power and potential of the internet has enabled small one man operations to compete with the big corporations by giving you the ability to offer complete customer service and back up.

Website and Customer List

Develop your business online

More and more Independent Fitness Professionals need to be jumping into online marketing. I'm seeing it everywhere, with a little bit of knowledge and practice you can develop and sell to your client base, e-books, e-courses, DVDs and CDROMS and other information products. As a fitness professional you are an expert you have knowledge and expertise that your clients want and need and are prepared to pay for it. Several years ago it was difficult and took a lot of effort to get a book published by a publishing house. Well now, you can write your own book, convert it to an e-book and sell it online on your website or to your clients. All you need to do is invest some time into writing and researching a suitable book.

Tracy McClaclen wrote her first e-book on Fitness Pilates and sells it to her clients after classes and through her website [http://www.pink-pineapple.com] it supplements her income and is a product that will continue to sell year after year.

"So many of my clients always asked me for the Fitness Pilates exercises that they could do at home so I decided to turn it into a book and sell it. It has been one of the most profitable decisions I have made and it only took me time to write and produce"

If you are serious about growing your fitness business and don't want to spend all of your time and energy teaching 25 classes per week to make a living then you may need to diversify and offer multiple income streams. Your first port of call needs to be website think of your website as a virtual shop, your home page is like a shop window that needs to be changed and updated frequently.

If this is something you want to add to your business, here are some of my recommendations for getting off on the right foot.

1. Get a good web site and learn to update it yourself. You need to have the flexibility to make changes and add things on the fly. You need to be comfortable with the basic technical aspects of the web. And you need to have a site with good content. From there you can add pages for specific online products.

2. Build your email list. Perhaps nothing is more important than this one. You can't build a big, responsive list overnight, so start collecting email addresses now and input them into an excel spreadsheet. You need to collect everyone's email address that comes to you or give out your cards and ask your class members to sign up for free to your site.

3. Send out an ezine regularly. No, make that weekly. This isn't the only way to do it, but you will grow your client list much faster if you send out your ezine more often. The best subscribers actually come via word-of-mouth. And the more it gets out there, the more

it is passed along. Ezine drive online sales. Period. Without my weekly newsletter my local classes and the C2Go website would be nowhere.

Whilst I was planning my website http://www.choreographytogo.com and working on the technical aspects I began to email out a weekly Instructor newsletter containing news, views, reviews and business ideas. I collected everyone's email address I could from Instructors who attended my workshops and at conventions. My list started with 50 email addresses and now I have 15,000 subscribers in 3 years.

4. Develop an online product. What will your online product be? As you know C2Go is downloadable choreography, articles, a support system for Fitness professionals, back up for my courses and workshops. Could you develop an e-book, recipe book, low fat cooking, weight loss information, could you develop your own DVD or CDROM?

5. Commit to mastering the ideas and principles of online marketing. Read books, e-books and attend seminars.

This is my model and it works brilliantly. The only drawback is that I can't develop products fast enough to meet the demand and that I don't have enough time on my calendar to do more workshops and film more choreography, but I suppose those are good problems to have!

Conference calling and telephone seminars

Large corporations and business have long invested in the technology to provide multi conference calling, which basically is a seminar or lecture conducted by phone where all the attendees use there own phone and hook up to a bridging line to enter into the conference. No more travelling for hours in your car, business cuts down on travelling costs and you can host the call from your own office. I predict that this will have a massive impact on the fitness industry as more companies offer the technology and the costs come down on line rental. Just think you can host your own lecture on weight loss, motivation, exercise adherence or whatever your specialise in and charge your clients accordingly. Here at choreographytogo I have been experimenting on this method of virtual lecture helping Instructors stay focused and motivated as well as given lectures on business ideas and pr for their own business. You can even hook up a web cam and record the event live and steam it on your website.

Audio Lectures

Again audio lectures are gaining popularity on all kinds of websites and the fitness industry will yet again be profoundly impacted by these. By buying a relatively cheap recording device you can set it up to record a phone call thus enabling you to conduct an interview over the phone and record it, change it to a .windows audio file and stream it on your website. I envisage many presenters and fitness experts will be able to stream lectures and interviews in this way so we gain all the latest research and information via that expert's website.

Mobile Phones/Multimedia messages and Text messaging

Many fitness professionals and personal trainers are using text messaging as way to motivate clients, keep them on track, remind them of appointments and so but with the rise of 3G phones and video messaging the next logical step would be to send clients a mini video of an exercise or routine. For instructors I will be texting 1 minute choreography routines direct to your phone.

Its exciting times so don't get left behind and move your business onto the next multimedia age.

Rachel Holmes is the Director of http://www.choreographytogo.com a website dedicated to Fitness Instructors. The website offers choreography downloads audio lectures and virtual seminars and will be implementing broadband fitness TV in the near future. For more information email Rachel@choreographytogo.com

The Fit Blueprint

If you want to lose fat, you need a plan and The Fit Blueprint provides that plan. This workout is designed for minimal time, minimal equipment (exercise at home or at the gym), and great results. Provides exercise description and nutritional plans.

Check it out!

2011年5月20日 星期五

Fitness Model Skincare Secrets

Expert skincare and makeup guide to incredible skin. Authored by international fitness model with 10 years experience in the cosmetic industry. Includes up-sell weight loss product.

Check it out!

2011年5月19日 星期四

Pilates Reformers - Great Advantages Of Pilates

The origins of Pilates are interesting to read and date back to the early part of the 20th century, 1910 to be precise. The inventor of Pilates, Joseph Pilates, created these sets of exercises to improve the quality of his health. During World War I Joseph Pilates found himself residing in a detention centre in England. Because of his nationality he was regarded as an enemy to the country. Because, even as a child, he never enjoyed particularly good health and was lacking in physical strength. As a way to combat his frailties he began to exercise regularly. During his incarceration in England he was inspired to use the springs found in hospital beds as a way to continue his exercises. He found that the springs provided the exact resistance he needed to use as a way to strengthen his body. It was from these humble beginnings that the Pilates Reformer was created.

The techniques employed in Pilates are designed for anyone of any level of fitness because the groups of exercises are low intensity, and do not demand strenuous cardiovascular movement. For those who lack boundless energy but want to strengthen and tone their body Pilates is the ideal form of exercise and the results will be enjoyed if the Pilates techniques are practised consistently. Pilates requires very little use of equipment, and the accessories that are used, such as the Pilates reformer, are easily transportable and inexpensive.

Before undertaking the rather challenging and intricate floor exercises practised on the Pilates mat, it is advisable to become acquainted with the Pilates reformer. However, never attempt to try either the Pilates reformer, or Pilates mat exercises without taking instruction from a fully qualified Pilates instructor. The benefits of having professional tuition is that your instructor will ensure that you perform exercises that will target certain parts of your body that really need strengthening and will correct you if you are not performing those movements accurately. Your Pilates instructor will also instruct you on how to use any of the Pilates equipment.

The Pilates reformer has an excellent reputation for producing noticeable results. And as the name suggests, the Pilates reformer will certainly change your body for the better.

To perform one of the basic Pilates reformer exercises you will need to be positioned correctly on the 'carriage' by your instructor. You should be lying on your back and then you will be required to push your body upwards and downwards. Your instructor will ensure that you are performing the movement accurately and that your body position does not allow you to strain your muscles. There are variations to this exercise depending on which machine you have chosen to use.

The use of the Pilates reformer is actually far more effective than any of the resistance exercises you may already be practising. As Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdominals, lower back and pelvis amongst other muscle groups, your instructor will demonstrate how to keep your spine and pelvis in a neutral position, and you will be able to feel the impact of the exercises in this core region. Ideally, areas such as the back of the legs and the hips should take the strain of the exercise and not the knees, so you will be required to relax your quads and knees to prevent injury.

The above are just the rudiments required when practising with the Pilates reformer. As you progress and become more confident, flexible and stronger you will be able to participate in more intense and challenging movements. Your instructor will assess your ability and will remove the supportive foot bar. The basic idea is to eventually remove all forms of supportive equipment and as your core muscles strengthen your body will be total control of the movements that you are performing. In this way you will only need your Pilates accessories and the Pilates reformer.

If you exercise with the Pilates reformer regularly and accurately you will experience a stronger, leaner, more toned body in a relatively short time and you will be inspired by the results to push your limitations a little each time.

Abhishek is a Pilates expert and he has got some great Pilates Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 42 Pages Ebook, "Pilates And Complete Body Fitness" from his website http://www.Fitness-Magic.com/592/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Wii Fit Secrets - Unlock the Hidden Power of Wii Fit

Wii Fit is Hot, and now you can tap into that niche with the only guide for it. The guide provides details on each exercise, hints, cheats, and workout routine.

Check it out!