2011年4月21日 星期四

Pilates Fitness is Not Just An 'In' Thing

Physical health and fitness is the "in" thing these days. A lot of people spend their time searching for an exercise program that will help them achieve a great body. There is one body training though that seems to overthrow the rest with various promises. Pilates fitness is the main feature of health centers and gyms.

Pilates is actually as old as World War 1 for like more than 70 years ago, when Joseph Pilates first practiced the first-ever mat exercises in prison. Being a gymnast, he could not have stopped himself from answering the call to move his body in any way he can. From there, he brought the Pilates program to New York. The first beneficiaries were professional dancers who suffered some form of injury. The rest as they say is history.

Recently, the benefits that Pilates fitness brings to the human body are well explored by men and women alike. From dancers to Hollywood celebrities, Pilates is an everyday byword. But do not mistaken Pilates as a fad or a trend because it does deliver what it seeks to promise. So what is it about Pilates that is so attractive and innovative? Well, for one Pilates have easy to follow steps. A lot of Pilates videos have been produced to demonstrate the techniques and exercise routine for those who can't find their way to a Pilates class.

Children and more mature people can also participate in the exercise. The senior citizens are not afraid to try them out because they compose of slow and deliberate movements that they can easily execute. Unlike other forms of exercise, Pilates fitness is not harsh on the joints. In fact, it is so gentle that if one has totally abandoned the world of exercise before, it is best as a comeback workout. Besides, Pilates toning decreases the risk of illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and heart failure. It has recently been associated with those who are ardent in losing some weight too.

You are invited to visit WinsorPilatesFitness.com to discover the wonderful benefits of Winsor Pilates and Pilates Fitness You too can benefit from Pilates Fitness from home via a great collection of Pilates Video and DVDs.

