2011年4月30日 星期六

Mobile Edge CMBMN1 Black Microfiber Metro Mat Bag

Mobile Edge CMBMN1 Black Microfiber Metro Mat BagMobile Edge Metro Mat Bag. Will hold your mat and accessories. Internal zippered security pocket. Comfortable tote style bag. Black.


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2011年4月29日 星期五

Pilates Fitness & TRX Suspension For Functional Cross Training

Yes, we can all throw heavy weights around quite easily. Who among us has not enjoyed using the leg press to tone and strengthen the quads, glutes and hamstrings. Or, for that matter, the use of dumbbells to add extra resistance to lunges and squats. Pilates instructors, Yoga teachers and personal trainers, however, are now expressing a new love for cross training, in their respective disciplines, with the use of TRX Suspension straps. In my opinion, there maybe no need for weights anymore!

It's not that I have ended my love affair or desire to use weights, it's just that over the years my use of functional training equipment and cross training with tools such as BOSU Balance Trainer, resistance bands, stability balls, Pilates equipment/apparatus and now the TRX Suspension system, has grown so much more that many clients actually prefer to work and move their bodies outside of the traditional gym environment, without the use of weights.

The TRX System was developed by a U.S. Navy SEAL as a revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercise allowing one to perform hundreds of exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, and prevent injuries, at an intensity level chosen by the user. While it may not be new to gym rats or personal trainers, it is a unique tool for Pilates studio owners and teachers. However, its core-based total-body resistance, functional training is so very complimentary to the healing movements that Joseph Pilates had in mind when he created the method of training that bears his name.

All functional training allows one to move easily with the equipment, maximizing the body and mind's training and minimizing the injury to joints and overworked muscles. Functional training involves (body)weight-bearing activities targeted at the core muscles of the abdomen and back. Rather than isolating a single muscle, which may not necessarily bear any relationship to the movements people make in their regular activities or sports; functional training attempts to adapt or develop exercises which allow individuals to perform these activities of daily life more easily and without injuries.

It is for this reason that the fusion of Pilates with the TRX Suspension straps in a Pilates fitness workout for total body movement training can be so powerful. I believe that functional, cross-training, particularly with the TRX Suspension equipment and Pilates-based movements, can lead to better muscular balance and joint stability, possibly decreasing the number of injuries sustained in an individual's performance in a sport. This is due to the fact that the training emphasizes the body's natural ability to move in three anatomical planes of motion.

For many, the introduction to the TRX Suspension straps, in a Pilates Movement Boot-Camp class, may appear a little daunting, uncomfortable, and unmanageable, at first. However, after using them for a couple of workouts, most begin to notice change and difference in the body. The use of the straps adds finite resistance to every exercise and most people report immediately "feeling the burn" with each progressive move and exercise with the straps. The resultant glee of the participants who have accomplished a core-based movement - with some portion of their body suspended in space - can only be appreciated when it is witnessed in person.

While stationary equipment/machines can sometimes be safer to use, they restrict movements to a single plane of motion, which is an unnatural form of movement for the body and may potentially lead to faulty movement patterns or injury. When stationary equipment is essential however, students can be moved to the floor or the Pilates Reformer to begin safe movement exercises. As strength and core connections are attained, additional planes of motion and movement are safely added into the exercise regimen and program.

Many people erroneously equate strength training with bodybuilding. Further, many assume that Pilates is for "women only." Additionally, many individuals, male or female, that are involved in endurance or flexibility-based sports (tennis, golf, basketball, football, skiing) may not use traditional forms of strength training for fear of gaining too much bulk and losing flexibility.

This is why Pilates and pilates-based movements that utilize functional training equipment, such as the TRX Suspension Straps, are a perfect choice for creating adaptive training workouts that build strength and flexibility and make returning to one's sport of choice a joy. For example, globe-trotting golfers, be they male or female, have expressed positive experiences with TRX Suspension functional training. The straps can be used in tandem with other Pilates and traditional strength training equipment as an essential component of all core workouts; helping to create length with strength as they facilitate an improvement in focus, core control and thus performance on the golf course. Work with the straps is reported by many to simultaneously increase strength, balance, and flexibility and giving one the ability to complete that requisite "drive with power and control."


Pilates and traditional strength training both benefit from the added challenge a little suspension provides by moving the body with core-based, fitness training.

While traditional weights and strength training will remain key to body weight management with most clients,

I am so thrilled with the use of the TRX Suspension straps during all variety of training sessions; a) indoor general strength training, b)outdoor Boot Camp sessions, and c) Pilates studio sessions. A challenging protocol replacement for those seeking a break from the norm.

Gina Jackson made a conscious career and lifestyle change to fitness in 2000 and assists clients in lifestyle fitness training programs; she is the Fitness Consultant, creator and energy behind the http://www.Prescription4Fitness.com and http://www.Pilates4Fitness.com, both of which provide fitness resources, tips, articles and MP3 downloads designed to assist all in realizing their fitness goals.

In addition to being a webmaster, Gina holds an MBA, from New York University, has Advanced PFT recognition as a member of the International Association of Fitness Professionals (IDEA); and is certified as a NY Power Pilates Teacher and a proud Business Member of the Pilates Method Alliance.

Please Note: You are granted permission to republish this article on your site only with maintenance of the credits, links and author's bio intact.

2011年4月28日 星期四

2011年4月27日 星期三

Online Fitness Empire - Make $100 Monthly Recurring Comms For Life

New Private Coaching Site Shows You How To Kill It In The Billion Dollar Health/Fitness Niche. Up-sells, Huge Monthly Recurring Comm, Shocking Guarantee, Amazing Support, Expect 6 Month Retention, Free Video Training at www.OnlineFitnessEmpire.com/blog

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The Benefit of Pilates

Pilates can benefit your overall health and sense of well-being in many ways. I have been doing Pilates for three years and I have seen for myself how challenging, yet effective it is.

Recently, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a chronic muscle and soft tissue pain syndrome. One of my osteopathic doctors told me that if I hadn't been doing Pilates (and yoga), I would not be able to get on and off the examining table. As a matter of fact, when patients come to see him because of pain, he often recommends Pilates as a method of treatment.

While it certainly helps with physical problems, you will find many other positive rewards when you start integrating Pilates into your exercise program.

#1 Benefit of Pilates - Strong Core

Pilates focuses on strengthening your deep abdominal muscles, your back and your butt. This results in greater pelvic stability and less likelihood that you will sustain an injury in your back. You will also enjoy having a flat, toned and sleek tummy.

#2 Benefit of Pilates - Improved Posture

Pilates works to lengthen the spinal compression that you might be developing, especially as you grow older or spend long hours hunched over in front of a computer. Many of us spend a great part of the day with our shoulders slumped forward. Pilates encourages you to lengthen the back of your neck and to slide your shoulder blades back and down. This encourages better postural alignment and allows you to stand and sit straighter and taller.

#3 Benefit of Pilates - Increased Strength and Flexibility

When you are doing Pilates, you are simultaneously strengthening and stretching your muscles. This gives your joints greater range of motion and also helps prevent the likelihood that you will get injured.

#4 Benefit of Pilates - Longer and Leaner Muscles

Many strength-training exercises focus on working only one body part at a time, which leads to a compressed, bulky muscle. When you do Pilates exercises, you are working your entire body and you elongate the muscle as you move it with precision and control. The result - your body has a longer, leaner look.

#5 Benefit of Pilates - Improved Mind Body Connection

Pilates is not a mindless activity. There is a very strong focus on deep breathing. You do certain moves as you inhale, while others as you exhale. This fosters a greater awareness about how you can integrate deep breathing and movement into positive body control.

#6 Benefit of Pilates - It is Safe for Everyone

Pilates is a gentle, low impact workout. In every class, you are given a modification to address your own unique level of strength, flexibility, and fitness. With the proper instruction, it is safe for seniors, for those who are physically challenged, and also those who are recovering from injuries.

If you've ever wondered about Pilates, why not give it a try? You can see for yourself how Pilates can make a positive difference in your mind, health - and, of course - your body.

Della Menechella is a yoga and fitness enthusiast who has been involved in fitness for over thirty years. Her website http://www.beauty-fitness-yoga-source.com/ is filled with practical information about how you can make yoga and fitness a positive part of your life. Visit the site and get your free meditation e-book.

2011年4月26日 星期二

Curve Fitness - Is It For You?

You're a woman so your exercise program is designed to handle different needs whether you are trying to loose a tummy tone up your entire body, work those curves, or maybe develop some muscle. It's time to discover just how to get great curve fitness.

When women head out to the gym they tend to use the machines for their workout favoring the treadmill, rowing machine, or step master. Of course there is also the multi exercise equipment which is a great way to give the entire body a good workout. Sadly a very common mistake women make is to pass up the free weights which have so much potential

We've all seen those infomercials where you get to send them a few a few thousand dollars; they tell you that they've got the secret to turn your body into a sexy curvy toned body in just 4 weeks using their training video and exercise machine. I'm telling you that for curve fitness you need no more than a set of free weights.

You don't need to join the local gym and pay monthly membership fees. You don't need to send your money off to an infomercial with no return address. For some great curves all you need is a bench and your free weights and you are ready for some amazing curve fitness.

One of the biggest problems with big fancy machines is they are cumbersome taking up a lot of room, costly really putting a damper on the checking account, and they are also difficult to set up and learn to use. By the time you get it all figured out you are so fed up you aren't even interested. After all toning up and getting those curves is supposed to be fun. And that's exactly what you get when you do your curve fitness with free weights.

Besides free weights there are other affordable options that you can combine or use stand alone for you curve fitness. Pilates is one of those other options as is any type of resistance training.

For curve fitness that entails toning the abs crunches are probably he most use exercise. The abs are the hardest area to tone and you'll need to burn calories all over the body to get those abs in shape but your exercises will help get things toned up so as you loose weight around the stomach the muscle is nicely developed

Every woman wants to have those sexy curves that go from top to bottom and with curve fitness there is no reason not to but you don't want to break the bank getting there. When you use equipment at home you have the convenience of exercising whenever you want in the privacy of your own home something other options can't offer.

Now that you know how to get terrific curve fitness without spending a fortune and having to operate a complex piece of equipment. Why not sit back, enjoy, and in no time you are going to be looking sexy and vivacious!

Get all the latest information about Fitness from the only true source at http://www.topfitnessinformation.com Be sure to check out our Curve Fitness pages.

Harbinger 340100 Durafoam Exercise Mat

Harbinger 340100 Durafoam Exercise MatThe lightweight, portable HarbingerAR rolled Durafoama?¢ mat is great for Yoga, Pilates, and stretching. The 3/8-in closed cell Durafoama?¢ material makes floor workouts more comfortable, and the non-slip surface grips to floor to prevent injuries. The moisture-resistant skin is easy to clean after use.

Price: $24.99

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2011年4月25日 星期一

What is So Good About Pilates?

Pilates is a physical fitness system that focuses on using the mind to control the muscles. This unique fitness system centers on the core postural muscles that help in keeping the body in balance and are essential in providing support to the spine. There are a number of ways to perform the exercises in this system and various types of Pilates equipment is available in the market.

What is so good about Pilates? Well the system introduces you to a unique brand of exercises that focus on the core of your body and help in improving your flexibility. The people who train on the Pilates physical fitness system tend to experience a boost in daily functionality of the body. The system has been development to cater for different requirements of anyone looking for physical fitness. Pilates can have effects similar to yoga which also provides the body with more flexibility.

It has the same impact on your muscles as weightlifting without adding too much bulk. It tones and lengthens all the muscles of your body. In addition to all of this, Pilates helps in relieving the pains and aches of your body. A session of Pilates leaves you relaxed at the end and boosts your energy instead of draining it.

Concentration and attention is essential for the one doing the Pilates fitness exercises. This is a feature of yoga, however Pilates has many other benefits making it your comprehensive exercise plan. There are numerous types of Pilates equipment available on which one can perform hundreds of different exercises that have a great effect on all the muscles of your body.

Summarizing it all, Pilates is a popular fitness system as it gives the combined effect of various exercises such as yoga, weightlifting and swimming, refreshing the body and mind at the same time. You should try it out you may enjoy it more than you think.

My name is Tynan Slade and I enjoy writing about my hobbies. I write about fitness and treadmills for sale at my fitness website http://www.treadmills-forsale.net/

2011年4月24日 星期日

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Pilates Teacher Training

Before you enroll in a Pilates teacher training program, you must fully comprehend what exactly the Pilates Method is, and the history behind this unique physical fitness and wellness system.

Joseph Pilates was one of the 20th century pioneers of the personal fitness and rehabilitation revolution. Developed initially for returning World War I Veterans, his "Pilates" is based on a technique that integrates the mind and body to control muscular posture and functioning. The awareness exercises in Pilates are composed of breathing methods and appropriate spinal alignment to strengthen the abdominal muscles, enhance blood circulation, and to oxygenate the body.

Pilates Teacher Training FAQs

In order to become a credentialed Pilates instructor, you should acquire certification through the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA). While not all Pilates instructor training courses are the same, fundamental curricula involves 300+ hours in a PMA-approved program. Classes are generally small, and entail studies in the principles of Pilates, anatomy, injury prevention and recovery, Pilates fitness and equipment training (Equipment typically includes full trap table, ladder barrel, magic circle, neck corrector, wunda chair, etc.), teaching techniques, and development for the professional Pilates teacher.

Points to Consider

When you decide to pursue your Pilates teacher training certification, you should determine if the program meets fundamental instruction criteria. A good question to ask the potential Pilate teacher trainer is how many years' experience the instructor has. A well-balanced Pilates teacher course instructor will have about 10 years' experience in the fitness system.

Other aspects to consider when choosing a Pilates teacher training program include whether or not instructors are PMA certified, prerequisites and length of program, and what additional types of programs are available.

After you've successfully completed your Pilates teacher instruction course and have become PMA Certified, begin helping others to transform personal health and fitness through many of the Pilates mind-body exercises. Known to strengthen and tone the body, improve posture and enhance mobility and agility, Pilates is also helpful in relieving aches and pains.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in learning more about these or other health fitness occupations, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, naturopathy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore Pilates teacher training [http://school.holisticjunction.com/clickcount.php?id=6634739&goto=http://www.holisticjunction.com/search.cfm] programs near you.

Pilates Teacher Training
© Copyright 2008
The CollegeBound Network
All Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for HolisticJunction.com [http://school.holisticjunction.com/clickcount.php?id=8799605&goto=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.holisticjunction.com], in association with CollegeSurfing.com - Educational Resources for Pilates Teacher Training, Yoga Teacher Training, and other unique training programs.

2011年4月23日 星期六

Total Soccer Fitness

Complete guide to soccer conditioning. Untapped market. Very high conversions. Just increased affiliate commission to 75%. It's now the easiet $16 you'll make.

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2011年4月22日 星期五

Pilates Mat Provides Cushion For Comfort

Pilates method is an exercise system focused on improving flexibility and strength for total body, promoting physical harmony and balance. Joseph Pilates when began teaching his methods, was only to offer better and higher level of fitness to anyone interested. Through Pilates exercise, he wanted to give higher quality of life and exercise. He advised the system of original exercises known today as 'mat work', or exercises done on Pilates Mat. To aid this physical well-being Pilates mat became necessary. They are designed to provide you with safe, stable foundation upon which to build your Pilates experience. The mat complements the stretching and strengthening roll of other Pilates workout.

Pilates mat supports the body while it learns how to move and support itself. To make you comfortable they are available in all sizes and dimensions to fit your body. Exercises done on Pilates mat range from beginner to very advanced. Exercises on this mat are for stretching, breathing and learning exercises positions.

It provides you the grip and cushioning you need to warm up, stretch and exercise until you can move in some of the most trying ways, which you must have just imagined. It gives foundation to proceed to next level and provide you with the best possible experience and fitness level. It is useful also in reducing the strain on your heart and lungs. This mat is associated with a positive form of movement-based exercise that is adjusted to your level of health and fitness.

Pilates mats are available in a variety of styles, sizes and colors. Before you buy, think about your needs and preferences. Some guidelines to buy the mat:

1. Size: Make sure the mat is wide enough and long enough. Roll up mat lengths is 72'- 86', and width varies from 21' to 39'. Folding mats are larger 4' by 8' for example.

2. Thickness: Pilates mats are thicker compare to yoga mat. This mat should be firm. As there are many standing poses in yoga, mats have to be less thick for performer to feel the floor. Pilates do not have such demands and so the mats have to be tick, so that we are padded from the floor. A soft Pilates mat will not support balance and alignment properly.

3. Roll up Pilates mats: These mat are usually made of dense foam or rubber. They roll up and are extremely portable and storable. They are easily available online. Most of Pilates studios, gym and spa's use these mats. The closed cell form mats are the best as they tend to be thicker and firmer than the regular ones. The regular foam mats are softer covered with something like vinyl and they are too squishy.

4. Prices: The prices of the Pilates mats vary from $13 to $50. Depending on the utility and quality you can pick the best suitable for you.

The more time you spend on Pilates mat, the more strength you will build that can support your body for more advanced technique. In short to sump up, these mats provide a secure, nonskid surface, achieve proper alignment with ease gives extra cushioning for great comfort and you can experience support and stability in poses.

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2011年4月21日 星期四

Pilates Fitness is Not Just An 'In' Thing

Physical health and fitness is the "in" thing these days. A lot of people spend their time searching for an exercise program that will help them achieve a great body. There is one body training though that seems to overthrow the rest with various promises. Pilates fitness is the main feature of health centers and gyms.

Pilates is actually as old as World War 1 for like more than 70 years ago, when Joseph Pilates first practiced the first-ever mat exercises in prison. Being a gymnast, he could not have stopped himself from answering the call to move his body in any way he can. From there, he brought the Pilates program to New York. The first beneficiaries were professional dancers who suffered some form of injury. The rest as they say is history.

Recently, the benefits that Pilates fitness brings to the human body are well explored by men and women alike. From dancers to Hollywood celebrities, Pilates is an everyday byword. But do not mistaken Pilates as a fad or a trend because it does deliver what it seeks to promise. So what is it about Pilates that is so attractive and innovative? Well, for one Pilates have easy to follow steps. A lot of Pilates videos have been produced to demonstrate the techniques and exercise routine for those who can't find their way to a Pilates class.

Children and more mature people can also participate in the exercise. The senior citizens are not afraid to try them out because they compose of slow and deliberate movements that they can easily execute. Unlike other forms of exercise, Pilates fitness is not harsh on the joints. In fact, it is so gentle that if one has totally abandoned the world of exercise before, it is best as a comeback workout. Besides, Pilates toning decreases the risk of illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and heart failure. It has recently been associated with those who are ardent in losing some weight too.

You are invited to visit WinsorPilatesFitness.com to discover the wonderful benefits of Winsor Pilates and Pilates Fitness You too can benefit from Pilates Fitness from home via a great collection of Pilates Video and DVDs.

2011年4月20日 星期三

New U Fitness First Yoga and Pilates

New U Fitness First Yoga and PilatesIt s a Fitness Phenomenon! Learn the true essence of Yoga and Pilates along with breathing and relaxation techniques in this personal interactive program entirely dedicated to both disciplines. Stretch your mind body and soul through a continuous flow of exercises that help both men and women "survive" everyday life from a physical and psychological point of view. Game Features: 117 Standard exercises. 4 Core skills exercises. 3 Personal trainers. 1 Breathing exercise. 4 Meditation poses. 6 Workout locations. Customizable goals. Compatible with Wii Balance Board and Wii MotionPlus .Format: WII Genre: SIMULATION (VG) Rating: RP Age: 895678002810 UPC: 895678002810 Manufacturer No: 0

Price: $29.99

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2011年4月19日 星期二

Pilates Anatomy

Pilates Anatomy

This is Pilates as youa€?ve never seen it before.

With detailed descriptions, step-by-step instruction, and stunning full-color anatomical illustrations, Pilates Anatomy takes you inside the exercises and programs that will tone the body, stabilize the core, improve balance, and increase flexibility. Using the original mat work of Joseph Pilates, youa€?ll see how key muscles are used, how variations and minor adjustments can influence effectiveness, and how breathing, alignment, posture, and movement are all fundamentally linked.

Choosing from over 45 exercises, you can target a particular body region and delve deeper to stretch, strengthen, and finely coordinate specific muscles. Youa€?ll also find techniques for breathing, concentration, and self-awareness for a unique exercise experience that enhances your mind and your body.

Whether you are just beginning to explore the beauty and benefits of Pilates or have been practicing for years, Pilates Anatomy is a one-of-a-kind resource that youa€?ll refer to again and again.

Price: $19.95

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Secret 101 to Fitness & Pilate

Hello, world !